Pakistan πŸ‘ Pakistan’s Institutions πŸ‘ πŸ‘ Mir Shakeel Ur Rehman and Mir Ibrahim πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘

 • Fake Cases, Fake Documents & Fake Stories are planted by Father and Son Duo.

It is Factually Proven with Undeniable Evidence yet Pakistan’s Institutions are peculiarly silent on this matter.

While globally journalists were busy in the largest investigation in journalism history to expose the shadow financial system, the Pandora investigation itself was infected with one puppet journalist who was working to fulfill his master’s agenda.

My Insider Sources confirmed me that Mr. Umar Cheema incorrectly added Shoaib Shaikh’s and other businessmen names in the Pandora leaks on the order of his employers, the father and son duo, Mir Shakeel Ur Rehman and Mir Ibrahim. 

After a little digging into the matter, my sources confirmed me that Mr. Cheema went to the father and son duo to “negotiate” as their name was also on the Pandora list, the duo offered hefty amount to incept more names of their choice in the Pandora list. At first, Mr. Umar Cheema was hesitant to add these names and take this huge career risk but later he got onboard. This was not because of change of heart, but because of change of offer, because at the end the duo offered Umar Cheema something that he just couldn’t resist (will be disclosed). 

Though, this vicious betrayal of journalism is unprecedented if you look at the scale and efforts involved in this investigation, but it’s not a new story for Mr. Cheema, especially not a new story for father and son Duo. They have multiple FIRS and Cases against them for planting Fake news and documents. My sources have confirmed that they were also previously involved in creating fake cases & planting fake documents against Shoaib Shaikh, in fact the prosecution witness in the same case himself admitted of their involvement. 

“Yasir had met with Declan Walsh and Mir Shakeel ur Rehman at Dubai of Geo TV Channel where after various meetings, this article was fabricated and with conspiracy it was got published through Declan Walsh against Axact Company.”

Below is the Copy of Original cross-examination

FIA in that same case also submitted a fake FBI’s document in the court which as per FIA was provided to them by Mr. Cheema

Below is the Fake FBI’s Letter given by Mr. Cheema.

This “FBI’s Letter” was evidently fake as it was clearly written as per Pakistan’s writing standards and had used Format of Date used in Pakistan. More importantly, FBI also declared this letter fake.

Below is the  FBI’s Response to the Letter.

US Law firm also clarified Pakistan’s Court on this Issue.

Below is the Law firm’s Statement.

Please note that all of these documents are part of the case and already submitted in Pakistan’s Court of Law.

I have complete audio evidence of the deal which I will later release in case they deny my story or to any court of law conducting criminal proceeding against them.

Hence it is absolutely clear and proven that the fake documents, fake cases and fake stories are regularly planted by Mir Shakeel ur Rehman and Mir Ibrahim, the real question is why are Pakistan’s institutions silent on this matter? And till when they will remain silent?


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